The Role of AI in Transforming Healthcare in Africa

For Immediate Release:

  • Event Name: Youth in AI Series
  • Title: The Role of AI in Transforming Healthcare
  • Subtitle: Exploring challenges and opportunities in building effective, reliable and safe Artificial Intelligent health systems in Africa.
  • When: October 12th, 2024
  • Where: Virtual via Zoom
  • RSVP:

Target Audience:

This session is open to students, recent graduates, tech enthusiasts, AI researchers, medical & health professionals, and anyone interested in the intersection of AI and healthcare.


The healthcare sector, vital to global well-being, is experiencing a transformative shift with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Healthcare has always been central to humanity’s advancement, and with modern challenges like aging populations and rising healthcare costs, innovative solutions are critical. According to the World Health Organization, over half the world’s population lacks access to essential health services, highlighting the urgent need for more efficient healthcare systems.

As Africa’s population is projected to reach 2.6 billion by 2050, the continent faces increasing demands on its healthcare infrastructure. AI-driven innovations offer immense potential to address these challenges, improving diagnostics, treatment, and patient care while alleviating pressure on healthcare professionals.

This session will explore the cutting-edge applications of AI in healthcare, focusing on real-world implementations, current challenges, and future opportunities. Participants will gain insights into how AI is transforming patient care, improving disease management, and addressing healthcare inequalities, contributing to the development of more sustainable and effective health systems worldwide.

About the Organizers:

Youth in AI is a dynamic youth led organization committed to harnessing the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the betterment of society. Our organization is dedicated to promoting responsible AI use, advancing AI education and skills training, advocating for AI regulation and policy development, and championing data privacy and protection.

EPDL Training is a prominent digital skills training organisation in Ghana. We equip young professionals with the necessary tools and skills to excel in various digital domains such as creativity, technology, and security. We achieve this through innovative virtual schools under our administration, which are designed to prepare and propel young talents into diverse tech and business careers, fostering personal and professional success.

For more information, contact;

Youth in AI Media Team

